Have you prayed for your priest today?

Regina Caeli Holy Hour for Priests

A Holy Hour is a Catholic devotional tradition of spending an hour in Holy Eucharistic Adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.

We at Mary’s Sons  believe there is no greater love that can be offered to our priests than to bring their prayer intentions and faithfully lay them at the feet of Jesus, whether in the tabernacle or exposed in a monstrance on the altar. 

A Holy Hour prayed with all of our heart and being is how God can change our world by converting hearts, healing His people and sustaining His priests in their Holy Priesthood. 

Through our humble prayers and sacrifices, the graces that are received by our priests from God are immeasurable!

What is a Regina Caeli Holy Hour?

A Regina Caeli Holy Hour is a Holy Hour offered specifically for the intentions of our priests. We have created a special format for the Holy Hour and have named it in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven (Regina Caeli in Latin).   

Our goal is to have members of the faithful come together to offer a Regina Caeli Holy Hour at least once per month in each parish in every Diocese.  To fulfill this mission, we have established Regina Caeli Prayer Cenacles, which consist of two or more people (with a designated leader), who will help to schedule and coordinate the Holy Hour in each parish. Mary’s Sons provides all prayer materials, guidelines and support to help you get started.

It is a simple format that can be prayed in Holy Eucharistic Adoration or in front of the Tabernacle if Holy Eucharistic Adoration is not available in your parish.  *A priest is not required to lead the Holy Hour*. We invite you to join us in this important effort and prayerfully consider leading a Regina Caeli Holy Hour in your parish. For more information, please Contact Us.

If a group setting is not possible at this time and you would like to commit to praying a monthly or weekly personal Holy Hour for our priests, you are welcomed and encouraged to do so!  Please click on the Contact Us link above to get started!

From our Mary’s Sons director:

There is nothing that fills the heart like sitting before Jesus in the tabernacle or in Holy Eucharistic Adoration.  What is better in this life than being in His holy presence, adoring Him, experiencing His healing love and being renewed for our journey? How blessed are we that we have been given so precious a gift as Holy Eucharistic Adoration!

God waits for our “Yes” as Catholics to fully commit to praying for our priests. Our Blessed Mother simply calls us to take the first step  “to show up” and she will do the rest. She will be by our side as we pray for her beloved Priest Sons.

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven (Regina Caeli) and Earth, pray for us!