Have you prayed for your priest today?

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission

We strive to inspire Catholics of all ages, as a Eucharistic people, to grow in the love of Jesus Christ and to reflect this love by joyfully answering the call to intentionally and faithfully pray for His priests.

Our Vision

Recognizing that there would be no Holy Eucharist or sacraments without our beloved priests, we pray that:

  • the lay faithful will come together to pray individually or will form a Prayer Cenacle to pray for priests in each parish in every diocese and/ or will offer a weekly/monthly Holy Hour specifically to uphold our priests;
  • our Homebound Prayer Partners will find great purpose in the offering of their sufferings and prayers to God for our priests;
  • every priest will be taken into the heart of a devoted Spiritual Mother, who will humbly emulate the Blessed Mother as she prayed at the foot of the cross of her own son, the Eternal High Priest;
  • the annual Kneelers for Priests Pilgrimage will serve as a beautiful and visible reminder to both the laity and clergy of their mutual love, support, sacrifices, and prayers;
  • our prayer resources will assist every Catholic to grow in holiness through focused prayer times offered for the intentions of our priests.

What tongue, human or angelic, may ever describe a power so immeasurable as that exercised by the simplest priest in Mass?

Who could ever have imagined that the voice of man, which by nature hath not  the power even to raise a straw from the ground, should obtain through grace a power so stupendous as to bring from Heaven to earth the Son of God?” — St. Leonard of Port Maurice