Have you prayed for your priest today?

How to start a Regina Caeli Holy Hour for Priests in Your Parish

Thank you for your willingness to respond to Our Blessed Mother’s call to pray for her priests by helping to establish a Regina Caeli (Queen of Heaven) Holy Hour for Priests at your parish!  May God bless you abundantly for your “Yes!”

A Regina Caeli Holy Hour for Priests consists of two or more people and is typically offered once per month, but may be offered more frequently if so desired and is prayed specifically for the intentions of our priests.  We provide guidance, support and all of the prayer resources that you will need.

Getting started is easy!

Here are the steps to follow:

Contact us for information, prayer materials, guidelines, and the format for offering the Holy Hour.

Once you have reviewed all materials carefully, make an appointment with your pastor to share your desire to start a Regina Caeli Holy for Priests. Give your pastor his copy of all Mary’s Sons materials which we will provide for him and our website address, www.MarysSons.org, for his review.

Ask for your pastor’s input on the day, time, frequency and location for your Holy Hour (whether it will be held in front of the Tabernacle or during Eucharistic Adoration). Please note that a priest does not need to be present for the Holy Hour. Once you have received your pastor’s approval, contact us.

We will work closely with you as needed to hold your first Regina Caeli Holy Hour for Priests. Once the Holy Hour is established in your parish, it will be directly under the approval and authority of your priest.

We should consider those moments spent before the Blessed Sacrament as the happiest of our lives.” – St. John Vianney