Have you prayed for your priest today?

Our History

Just as prayer is the cornerstone of the Mary’s Sons Apostolate today, it was through steadfast prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit over several years that our apostolate came to be. Please read below as Robyn Magyar, director, describes the events that led to the formation of Mary’s Sons.

A Call to Pray for Priests

2007 — I was praying during Holy Eucharistic Adoration in the small chapel at St. Thomas Aquinas parish in Charlotte, North Carolina, when I felt an urging deep in my heart to pray for priests. This prompting began and would not stop. I discussed it with my pastor, Father Remo DiSalvatore, OFM Cap, who encouraged me to be open and to continue to pray for guidance. Several months later, in that same chapel, I noticed a woman who was a frequent adorer sitting in the back.

When I got up to leave, I felt prompted to ask her a simple question: “Would you be interested in meeting weekly to pray for priests?” Her answer: “Yes!” Father Remo gave us prayer materials and scriptures to begin. Our little group of two soon grew to four – and then more! We met every Thursday night in front of the Tabernacle and prayed for our priests. It was a beautiful time of spiritual growth, and such joy filled our hearts! We couldn’t wait to share this with others in our parish and, with the approval of our pastor, the Immaculata Prayer Group was formed.

We met each Saturday morning before Mass. We prayed the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet for our priests. Fourteen years later, this faithful prayer group can still be found every Saturday morning before Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas parish praying for our priests.

The Year of the Priest

2009 — During the Year of the Priest declared by Pope Benedict XIV, we began a daily prayer program at St. Thomas Aquinas. A simple calendar was sent out by email, and parishioners were asked to sign up for one day a month to commit to praying a rosary for the intentions and protection of our dear priests. Through this simple act of obedience and love, God filled our hearts as a parish with all kinds of beautiful ways to convey love and encouragement to our priests.

The gift of generosity of our prayers and the virtue of charity to our priests was contagious! As we intentionally brought our priests into our hearts and faithfully prayed for them, we strengthened our church community. Most importantly, it confirmed to us that we are to truly become our priest’s family, as many priests leave their own families to offer themselves to us.

At the close of the Year of the Priest, we invited Bishop Emeritus William G. Curlin to come to our parish to celebrate a special Mass for all priests and, especially, for our own parish priests. God continued to bless our parish community as we became unified in honoring and praying for our priests.

“Pray for My Priests”

2011 – While my husband and I were planning our family vacation to Anna Maria Island, Father Remo encouraged us to visit the Eucharistic Adoration chapel at The Marian Servants of Divine Providence in Clearwater, Florida. We met with Dianne Brown, foundress, who upon hearing of our desire to start an apostolate prayed with us. She also gave us the writings of Pope Saint John Paul II to read. From that moment, the fire was lit within us!

When we returned home, I spent many hours praying before the Blessed Sacrament in Eucharistic Adoration asking God: “What do you want this apostolate to be?” The answer: “Pray for my priests.” Another day while deep in prayer in our church, I wrote down two words, “Mary’s Sons” in my journal not really understanding until a year later that this would become the name of our Apostolate.

Branching Out to Other Parishes

2012 — Armed with a notebook full of ideas for expanding our prayer for priests ministry into other parishes in the Charlotte Diocese, I was leaving the chapel at St. Thomas Aquinas one day and happened to run into Father Nick Mormando, OFM Cap, who was visiting. He was kind enough to sit and listen patiently to my ideas. With a gentle voice, he said something immensely powerful that has stayed with me:

“Don’t put any limitations on what God may choose to do through you. Ask Mary to teach you how to pray for priests with the same heart she has. Ask Mary, ‘How do you want us to relate to one another in the praying for priests group?’ ”

The Blessed Mother began to answer: pray before the Blessed Sacrament, tenderly, consistently, without ceasing, sacrificially, being willing to suffer, faithfully, joyfully, expecting God to answer, without self, with compassion, being present and walking in prayer with our priests in their journey, accepting without judgement, and always praising God in thanksgiving for the gift of our priests.

With the prayers and support of Bishop Peter J. Jugis, Father Remo DiSalvatore, OFM Cap, Father Nick Mormando, OFM Cap, Father John Putnam, Monsignor Patrick Winslow, Father Matthew Kauth, and Sister Mary Raphael, DVM, the devoted members of the Immaculata Prayer Ministry, and so many special priests and dear friends in the Catholic community, the Mary’s Sons Apostolate formally began.

A “Chance” Encounter

2013 – It was through God’s providence that I happened to meet Jackie Gallagher during a chance encounter at the Charlotte Diocese’s 2013 Eucharistic Congress. Jackie and I each had discovered a small paperback book that contained a beautiful Rosary to pray for priests. She expressed her passion for getting the book out to parishioners so they could pray for priests. For this reason, Jackie had sponsored a booth at the Eucharistic Congress.

Ironically, the Immaculata Prayer Group at St. Thomas Aquinas had been using the same book for five years! I knew God was working in bringing us together. A firm friendship was formed between us. Jackie and I agreed to work together to get Mary’s Sons up and running, and while brainstorming together, we began talking about the apostolate purchasing personal kneelers as gifts for the men who would be ordained to the priesthood in our diocese each year.

From there, the Kneelers for Priests Pilgrimage in our Diocese began in 2014. Jackie was instrumental in supporting our apostolate in numerous ways. She was a great mentor to me in navigating the business aspects and forming the structure of the apostolate. She was always there to encourage me and push me when needed. I am forever grateful to Jackie for her insight, her wealth of experience that she freely shared, her immense generosity, and for all that she taught me.

I truly treasure her friendship, her insight, her enthusiasm and her support for our priests, and I wish her abundant blessings as she now enjoys retirement.

New Beginnings

2016-Present – The first Regina Caeli Holy Hour for Priests led by Wendy Hood began in September 2016 at St. Michael Parish in Gastonia, NC. The group  meets at 8pm on the first Thursday of each month in the church. A Rosary for Priests Cenacle at Queen of Apostles Parish in Belmont NC meets weekly in the church and as of 2020 a Rosary for Priests Cenacle meets in the Mary, Help of Christians Basilica at Belmont Abbey College at 8:15am every third Friday of the month.

The Immaculata Prayer Ministry at St. Thomas Aquinas in Charlotte NC  meets each Saturday at 9am in the church to pray the Rosary for Priests and the Divine Mercy. We are happy to provide prayer materials, resources and guidance as needed to help you get a Cenacle started in your church or home. Our resources are available to anyone free of cost.  *The Cenacle groups are under the authority of each parish priest*.

In Thanksgiving 

 It is with a grateful heart that I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to all of those who have contributed in so many ways in making this Apostolate and our Ministries possible. Most importantly, thank you for your selflessness in honoring God by the pouring out of love and support for His priests through your prayers and service. May God bless you always.

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Amy Burger

John Cosmas

James Sarkis

Sue Ann Howell

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