Have you prayed for your priest today?

Prayer Cenacles for Priests

What is a Prayer Cenacle?

A Prayer Cenacle for Priests is specifically a group of two or more people who come together at least once a month to pray for our priests.   Each Prayer Cenacle has a designated leader who guides the group in praying specific prayers for priests, such as praying for priests’ intentions, reciting a special Rosary for Priests, and praying a Divine Mercy Chaplet for Priests. The gathering can take place in your home, at your parish or in a church in front of the tabernacle.  Praying together during Holy Eucharistic Adoration is a wonderful option if approved by your priest.

Our vision is to establish a cenacle in each parish in every Diocese.  A Prayer Cenacle for Priests is very simple to begin and to maintain!

We provide all printed materials and resources that you will need to get started.  After prayerful consideration, if you are interested in forming a Prayer Cenacle for Priests in your parish or community, please Contact Us.  Jesus waits for our “Yes” to His call to pray faithfully for His priests. He will be with us every step of the way.  We are here to support you as you begin!

If you are already regularly meeting as a group at your parish and would like to add prayers for priests to the meeting, let us know! We can provide them for you. We are here to act as a resource and to support you.

The Meaning of Cenacle       

The word “Cenacle” means upper room. The upper room is where Jesus instituted the Holy Priesthood at the Last Supper; where the apostles and our Blessed Mother waited after Jesus’s death; where the apostles and our Blessed Mother received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It is a room into which we are also invited to meet together to pray in unity and to pray intentionally for our Blessed Mother’s own priest sons. She is with us in the Cenacle (upper room) as she was with the Apostles.

As we pray for her priests, she prays with us. She welcomes us with Motherly joy into her Immaculate Heart as we respond with our “Yes” to pray for her priests. As our Blessed Mother prayed at the foot of her son’s cross, so we are called to do the same for our priests, who are called daily to unite themselves with Jesus on the cross.

As our Blessed Mother suffered, we are to gratefully accept sufferings for our priests and to offer up these sufferings for their intentions and sanctification.  Like our Blessed Mother, we are to respond to the Holy Spirit without limitations or fear.  She prayed for her beloved son from His birth until His death.  Let us ask the Blessed Mother to teach us how to pray for her priests with the same heart she has! 

“Let us live for souls, let us be apostles, let us save especially the souls of priests…let us pray, let us suffer for them, and on the last day Jesus will be grateful.” – St. Therese of Lisieux